Thursday, May 27, 2010

Technical bottlenecks: the saga continues. But, the empire strikes back with a vengeance...

After we thought we had made a decision about how technical we were going to go, that we were not going to self-host, etc, we realised, this was not the way to go. Why? Because really, we can barely do anything under the banner “free”. Most annoying. Anyway, so we’ve decided to go back and self-host. After a gestation of 48 hours, this finally happened! Awesome. There’s so much more we can now do. Wish we had realised this sooner than later.

One of the coolest features is the “Featured Content” plugin from WordPress. You know how some sites have various articles of the site appearing like a slide show, like a rotating gallery? This plugin is the brain behind that. Inserting a simple piece of code into the right place in the right page is all it takes. Here’s a good web-based video tutorial explaining the feature, its use, installation, etc.

It seems simple enough, but we’re still battling the “where to insert” that simple piece of code. Which page and exactly where in the code of that page must this be inserted for it to work well enough? This is the most crucial part which is just not clear in the 1 minute (between 6:15-7:15) that it is explained in the video tutorial. Ideally we’d like it just below the header of the Home page. Hmmm. More needs to be done on the research front...

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