This is one section of the Incoming Passenger Card that every passenger arriving into Australia from overseas, has to fill. For any frequent overseas traveller travelling to Australia for the first time, unaware of Australia’s peculiar environment, this elaborate section of the card and the extremely strict customs regulation regarding all this does seem strange. However, after spending some time in Australia and getting acquainted with the environment of the antipodes, one begins to understand what the fuss of border security is all about, especially with regard to protecting the Australian environment!
The flora, fauna and landscape of Australia varies widely from the rest of the world. Australia has seen many cases of damage to its natural environment and habitat because of artificial interference - introduction of rabbits, prickly pear, etc. Australia contains several species of plant and animals that are yet to be even discovered! On an aside, Bill Bryson's travelogue Down Under critiques all these issues and places them in relevant context.
Australians, particularly Melburnians are quite interested in environmental issues - the depleting ozone layer, drought, extreme climatic conditions, UV rays, etc. For example, strike up a conversation with any Melburnian (who has lived in Melbourne either for decades or for a few months), and the topic of the environment comes up in some degree or the other: Melbourne’s peculiar climate of five seasons in one day, the weather forecast, staying sun-safe, the long-lasting water shortage and drought, government restrictions regarding water usage, the type of water a house-hold uses for gardening, etc.
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